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Wine lovers guide to Siena

So I recently got my article about where to drink wine in Siena published on It was a competition where one could enter with the best tips you’ve got to highlight a certain place and where to go when you are a wine lover. Of course I wrote...

Sherry wine and fall food

Today my text about sherry wine for Umeå Tidning came out (read it here in Swedish). Dry sherry is definately one of my favourite styles of wine, and sadly not appreciated enough.

Why I fell in love with wine

A few weeks back I entered Jancis Robinson’s wine writer competition (read more about it here) and I recently found out that my text got published on their website! If you want to read my text about how I got interested in wine you can find it here.

New Zealands best Pinot Noir

This week my first wine column after the summer break for Umeå Tidning was released. This month I am writing about good Pinot Noir from New Zealand and their interesting climate. It is in Swedish, you can find it here.

Top 10 foods to try in Bologna

The city of Bologna in Italys Emilia-Romagna region is called “La Grassa”, meaning the fat one. That refers to all the good food there is to try here. Many say that Bologna is Italys food capital and indeed they do have a nice amount of good foods to try while here!...